R. S. I. (Repetitive Strain Injuries)

DID YOU KNOW - Antibiotics or corticosteroid injections cause tendon rupture?

The simple fact is modern medicine puts professional
performers and sports people at risk.

Conventional medicine created the myth, 'our bodies are machines' to suit their own medical model. When you scratch a car it rusts and falls apart, scratch your arm or break a leg, then your body heals itself. When conditions inside our body are correct, mother nature writes her own prescription !

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A Young Buddhist monk works in a timeless shadow, stirring a vat of Ayuvedic oil

ANTIBIOTICS: especially the 'fluoroquinolones' class used commonly for chest and urinary infections like cystitis and gonorrhoea can actually cause inflammation and rupture a tendon, be it your Achilles, hands or shoulder tendons. These destructive antibiotics degenerate collagen, which accounts for around 70% of your tendon mass. (Brit.J. Sports Med. Dec 1998 & Dec 1997 - Prof. Walley, Univ of Liverpool. Dr. Waterston, Univ of Aberdeen.)

Antibiotics to avoid: Ciprofloxacin, Grepafloxacin, Levofloxacin, Ciproxin, Norfloxacin, Utinor, Olfloxacin, Tarivid to name a few. With all the flag waving space-age technology of modern medicines' its branch of drug-orientated medicine fails miserably in treating many soft-tissue injuries. (one exception is in hernia operations, the 'Lichtenstein open tension-free repair' which produces consistent good results) No modern drug accelerates the natural healing mechanisms of the body and in most cases, just interferes, causing later problems like R.S.I.


CORTICOSTEROID INJECTIONS: there is strong clinical evidence they cause tendon rupture. Such powerful injections mask your symptoms and belie the truth of your injury. Therefore performers and sportspeople alike are given a false impression to increase their training, resulting in further damage at a later date due to these 'micro-tears' in the muscle or tendon in question.

Using steroids for a variety of soft-tissue injuries does not speed up recovery time and a faster return to complete fitness.

NSAID's / PAIN KILLERS : (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) There are over 20 different topical preparations of NSAID's on the market, all of which are useless. No convincing clinical evidence exists to support their use for soft-tissue injuries and mild arthritic conditions. (Drug & Therapeutic Bull. Nov 1999)

Modern day drugs do not act as quick as some people may think. A full pain-killing effect of a NSAID is normally achieved within one week, and for an anti-inflammatory effect usually much longer, upto 3 weeks, and by then of course, mother nature has already taken over !

Taking NSAID's on a regular basis also runs the risk of serious addiction, and no one knows of the untold damage in the long-term it has upon your liver and kidneys. Modern drugs due to their synthetic nature generate all kinds of alien toxins and free radical cells which damage our bodies. The liver and kidneys being our main detoxifiers cannot always metabolize and eliminate these harmful chemicals from one's body. So where do you think these destructive toxins and free radicals end up ? Some will reside in your muscles, tendons, ligaments and fatty tissue areas contributing to all sorts of soft-tissue R.S.I.

Both external pollutants and internal toxic chemicals can generate destructive free radicals and such reactive molecules can cause inflammation by destroying tendons, cartilages, ligaments and other soft tissues via the lysosomal enzymes activity. And in the case of physical weariness with sore limbs this could be highlighting a food allergy condition and a chemical sensitivity, which unfortunately cannot be detected in a laboratory analysis.

ULTRASOUND therapy for some soft-tissue injuries has been clinically proven to be ineffective, and very little use in some cases. (British Medical Journal. 5 July 1997: British J. Sports. Med. Oct 1999)

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